An Exploration of the Effects of Mentor-Apprentice Programs on Mentors’ and Apprentices’ Wellbeing

Exploration of the Effects of Mentor-Apprentice Program Cover

Increasingly, adult Indigenous language learners are being identified as the “missing generation” of learners who hold great potential to contribute to the revival of Indigenous languages by acting as the middle ground between Elders, children, and youth within their communities. Our research project NEȾOLṈEW̱ “one mind, one people” studied adult Indigenous language learning through the popular Mentor-Apprentice Program method.


Jenni, B., Anisman, A., McIvor, O. & Jacobs, P. (2017). An Exploration of the effects of Mentor-Apprentice Programs on Mentors’ and Apprentices’ wellbeing. International Journal of Indigenous Health, 12(2), 25-42.