Indigenous adults revive languages in British Columbia through Mentor-Apprentice style learning: PHASE 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

Phase 1 of the project documented the successes and challenges of MAP in the BC context through interviews with over 60 participants, including apprentices, mentors, and administrators in partner organizations. The results indicate that MAP has had tremendous positive impacts for mentors, apprentices, and communities across BC.
In Phase 2, we focused on three questions to better support apprentice success:
- How can we better support apprentices to succeed in their learning?
- How can we support advanced apprentices in their continued work?
- How can we assess the effectiveness of their learning?
Gessner, S., Green, H., & Multani, N. (2021). Indigenous adults revive languages in British Columbia through Mentor-Apprentice style learning: Phase 2 Executive Summary. Victoria, BC: University of Victoria.