Adult Indigenous contributions to reviving languages in British Columbia through Mentor-Apprentice style learning: Executive Summary

Our joint research project studied adult Indigenous language learning in British Columbia through the popular Mentor-Apprentice Program (MAP) method. Increasingly, adult Indigenous language learners are identified as the “missing generation” who hold great potential to contribute to the revival of Indigenous languages and act as the middle ground between Elders, children, and youth in their communities.
The research project aimed to document the successes and challenges of MAP in the BC context. Over a three-year period, we interviewed over 60 participants, including current and past apprentices, current and past language mentors, and administrators.
McIvor, O., & Jacobs, P. (2018). Adult Indigenous contributions to reviving languages in British Columbia through Mentor-Apprentice style learning: Executive Summary. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada: University of Victoria.